Paid triple face-to-face casting for Netflix's "The Snow Girl"!

CEC Castings, a free online casting notice service, informs of a new public casting call, shared on the recruiting company's social networks.

It's a triple feature for filming in the new NETFLIX series. LA CHICA DE LA NIEVE, adaptation of the book by Javier Castillo with Milena Smit (the new Almodóvar girl from 'Madres Paralelas') in the lead role!

Paid work in accordance with the actor's agreement or a figuration agreement with social security registration through Tempotel (a specialised Telefónica company).

Profiles sought:

  • Actors and actresses to play small parts in the series, aged 25 and over. In this case it is essential to have acting training and NOT to have an agent. You must bring your printed CV with telephone number to the casting..
  • Children from 5 to 12 years of age (Important DNI / NIE in force)
  • Male and female actors from 25 to 50 years old, to play different roles: journalists, policemen, passers-by, tourists, hippies...

Triple casting: from Monday 27th to Wednesday 29th December (casting days and times depending on your profile)


  • Filming from 31 January to 18 March 2022
  • Residents in Malaga

Place of the triple face-to-face casting: Hotel Calderón in Malaga
