Produced by Left Bank Pictures and Sony Pictures Television with the collaboration of Palma Pictures for Netflix, the production was shot by Andalusian companies and professionals, including the location scouts of A Film Location Company, Tate Aráez and Enrique Guadamuroas well as with the assistance of Malaga Film Officethe filming office of the city of Malaga, which is part of the Andalusia Film Commission's Film Cities Network.
The Municipal Auditorium, the Gran Hotel Miramar, the Hotel Málaga Palacio, Molina Lario Street, the Botanical-Historical Garden of La Concepción, the Monte Miramar Palace and the Castañón de Mena Military Residence were some of the settings chosen to recreate the trip that the Prince and Princess of Wales, Charles and Diana, made to Australia and New Zealand in the 1980s and the British Prime Minister's stay at the Commonwealth Summit.
The selection of the best European locations is the result of a nomination process carried out in three phases: in the first phase, the film commissions belonging to the European Film Commission Network propose their locations (specific shooting locations of a film or television fiction released the previous year), after which a jury made up of 5 audiovisual experts selects the list of finalists. On this occasion, the jury selected Clara Le (Commercial Director of The Location Guide /FOCUS London) Alexandra Lebret (Director of the European Producers Club), Eric Mika (President of The Film Verdict), John Rakich (Locator, President of LMGI - Location Managers Guild International), and Dennis Ruh (Director of the European Film Market)
The third phase is open to the public who will choose the final winner through the EUFCN website at the following link: a two-day trip for two people to the winning location will be raffled among the participants in the voting. This phase is open until 31 January 2022.
This is the third time that a location proposed by the Andalucía Film Commission has been nominated for this award, after the locations of Isla Mayor in Seville for the film 'La isla Mínima' and the Tabernas Desert for 'The Sisters Brothers' also made the final cut in previous years.
EUFCN will announce the winning location and film, as well as the person whose vote has been selected in the draw, during a Ceremony at the EFM in Berlin.
The European Film Location Award is a project promoted by the European Film Commissions Network (EUFCN), made up of more than 95 Film Commissions from 31 European countries, dedicated to the promotion of European locations for international filming.